STREAM - Smart Tile System
IoT + Product Design | 2017 Spring
Time is the most valuable commodity, therefore we envision an effortless experience in the bathroom of the future. STREAM is designed to remove the clutters of gadgets in your bathroom. The STREAM tiles will increase the space efficiency in the bathroom that are also easily adaptable to different user needs. It is also a sustainable approach to bathroom design, as it saved materials from all the additional gadgets you have to buy.
Roca’s STREAM tile collection consists of a series of con gurable wall and oor panels that can be rearranged. Each STREAM tile holds a different function that aims to replace a bathroom gadget, such as a speaker or wall mount make up mirror. The panels can be easily plugged into the pre-installed frame system on the oor and the walls. This allows you to move the functionality to wherever you need it to be. STREAM will allow you to create your own personalized bathroom experience. Just simply pick out the STREAM tiles that suit your needs and plug them into wherever you want them to be in the bathroom. The possibilities are endless.